Strongly condemning the life penalty to the distinguished Kashmir freedom struggle leader Yaseen Malik by an Indian Court, Azad Jammu Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Illayas termed the sentence as a massacre of justice,
In a statement released to the media Wednesday evening, the AJK Prime Minister said that the verdict against Yasin Malik was an ample proof of the fake judicial system in India.
Illayas continued that Modi’s fascism cannot stop Kashmiris from their right to freedom.
Describing the verdict as a grave violation of basic human rights, the AJK PM said that the verdict has exposed India’s human rights abusing regime that was hell bent on choking every dissenting voice in Kashmir by using its judiciary.
Denouncing the verdict, the PM said, India cannot suppress the voice of Yasin Malik by punishing him under fake and fabricated cases.
“Every house hold in Kashmir is resonating with the thoughts and ideas of Yasin Malik”, the PM said adding that Malik is a great freedom fighter, a hero of Kashmiri nation.”Coercive tactics, atrocities and blatant violations of human rights cannot stand in the way of Kashmiris’ independence”, he said adding that Yasin Malik and his associates did not bow down despite all the oppressive tactics by the Indian authorities.
He further added that the punishment meted out to Yasin Malik is not only illegal, immoral but a violation of the international law. “Those who fight and resist for freedom are not terrorists but freedom fighters”, the AJK PM added.
Massive rallies held at both sides of Kashmir to protest against Yasin Malik’s conviction: Jammu & Kashmir State population living at both sides of the Line of Control in the internationally acknowledged disputed Himalayan State – Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IIOJK) and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), Wednesday hold mass anti-India and pro-freedom rallies to protest against the conviction of Kashmiri leader and Chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) by an Indian Kangroo court in a fictitious terror-funding case announced Wednesday evening.
In all the ten districts of Azad Jammu Kashmir, including the State’s metropolis Muzaffarabad and Divisional Headquarters of Mirpur and Rawalakot, crowds of people belonging to all segments of the civil society including social, political, religious and human rights activists, lawyers, journalists, businessmen, intellectuals, serving and retired official and workers of private and public sector functionaries thronged the streets chanting slogans against India and for the freedom of the illegally occupied part of the Jammu & Kashmir from Indian subjugation.
In the lake city of Mirpur, hundreds of people set ablaze the Indian tri-color (Taranga) at central Shaheed Chowk to register protest against the Indian imperialism for convicting and sentencing the innocent world-fame activist of the Kashmir freedom struggle Yasin Malik to life imprisonment in a fake case for his “crime” of raising mutiny for the liberation of the globally-recognized disputed Jammu Kashmir State from unlawful Indian occupation.
Addressing the protest rallies, speakers said conviction of Yasin Malik by the Indian kangaroo court would infuse a new spirit of freedom among the people of Jammu and Kashmir State dwelling in the bleeding Indian occupied valley in particular and the entire State in general to bring the just and principled freedom struggle to its logical end as early as possible.
India’s notorious National Investigation Agency’s (NIA) special court at Delhi’s Patiala House Court on Wednesday awarded life imprisonment to the JKLF chief Yasin Malik in a fake “terror funding case” after he refused to put any defense on the ground that it was a false and fictitious case registered against him and he was a freedom fighter.
Reports reaching from across the line of control said “the court after hearing arguments on the quantum of punishment awarded life imprisonment to Yasin Malik.
As per the reports, Yasin Malik told the court that he won’t beg for anything from the court and if Indian Intelligence agencies succeeded in proving anything against him, he will take retirement from the politics immediately.
The reports quoted Yasin Malik that he “will not beg for anything. The case is before the court and I leave it to the court to decide. I will accept hanging, if proven guilty.”